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On the Second of April, two days before her own birthday, Evie came downstairs like a trooper to hang out with family and friends, try to eat some good food and (with assistance) open lots and lots and lots and lots of presents. I didn't take a lot of pictures, being somewhat involved in events and being too shellshocked by the occasion to do much of anything, but here are some pictures I did take (subsequent pages have piles of pictures taken by other people). The main thing I regret having not taken a picture of was the banner and balloon outside on our front fence--I tied the banner up myself, then cut it down afterwards, without ever taking a picture of it! If anyone did get it, let me know...

The room, created by the two Janets.

The room, view two.

Evie, before the event. Look at her little toes! (I'm practicing saying these kinds of things for when the baby comes.)

The event itself! This is before the food got really doled out. I assume everyone looking at this pretty much knows who everyone in the picture is, so I won't bother with a detailed explanation. For many, it was their first time meeting each other, and their first time in our house; I hope it was nice!

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